
Schnittserie (2019)

april 16, 2019 9:32 Gepubliceerd door
A little while back, I came into possession of a peculiar inheritance: over twenty ring binders filled with hundreds of yellowed pictures of actresses and fashion models. They had belonged to an elderly lady whom I never got to meet. She had carefully cut them out of 1950s feel-good magazine De Lach (‘the smile’), kept them for decades and finally put them all in ring binders towards the end of her life. I was in luck: careful not to damage the pictures, she had used small pieces of double-sided tape to keep them in place. Great collage material. But as I started peeling off the pictures, they became more than just that. Fascinated by the singular system of her collection, I decided to dissect it, laying bare its meanings, contexts, and materiality.

Schnittserie, solotentoonstelling HOK Gallery, 30 augustus – 14 september 2019.

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Dit bericht is geschreven door leonor Faber Jonker

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